Unity for Ukraine: A pledge from the European Parliament of tomorrow

We, the undersigned, future members of the European Parliament, take this pledge on a somber occasion: the two-year anniversary of Russia’s war on Ukraine. This moment serves not only as a reflection on the struggles and sacrifices made by the brave people of Ukraine but also as a critical juncture to reaffirm our unwavering support for Ukraine in its fight for sovereignty and territorial integrity and peace.  

Let's not mince words: the resilience and bravery shown by the Ukrainian people is heroic. Their fight is not just about defending land, but upholding principles that should be universal - freedom, sovereignty, the right to live in peace.   

As we head towards a future filled with uncertainties, our commitment to Ukraine's cause is more crucial than ever. In the US, Donald Trump said he would encourage Russia “do to whatever the hell they want” to NATO allies. In Europe, Viktor Orbán’s blackmail has delayed urgently needed funds.   

During this critical election year for Europe and the world, Ukrainian victory is at stake. 

It is imperative that we, as a united Europe, reassert our position and commitment to aiding Ukraine in its fight for freedom. Our support has been, and will continue to be, instrumental in Ukraine's resilience and strength in the face of adversity. We acknowledge that the path to victory is arduous and fraught with challenges. However, we firmly believe that a Ukrainian victory is pivotal not only for the nation's future but also for the security and democratic values of Europe and its allies. We support Ukraine's full membership of NATO and the EU in as smooth and fast a manner as possible to increase both Ukraine’s and Europe’s security, with all the security guarantees it entails. 

Our pledge is threefold: 

  1. Continued Support: We commit to ensuring that Ukraine receives the necessary military, financial, and humanitarian assistance to defend its sovereignty. Our resolve to stand with Ukraine is unwavering, and we will continue to advocate for increased support from all European Union member states, European Institutions and our international partners. 
  2. Unity of Europe: We recognize that the strength of European support for Ukraine lies in our unity. Together, we are a formidable force for defending democracy and deterring aggression. We pledge to work tirelessly to maintain and strengthen this unity. 
  3. Ensuring Ukrainian Victory: Our support for Ukraine is not merely symbolic; it is strategic. We are committed to helping Ukraine win this war because we understand that their victory is a victory for democracy, for Europe, and for the international rule of law. We will not rest until Ukraine emerges victorious and can begin the process of rebuilding a free and democratic nation. 

As we mark this two-year milestone, let it be a call to action for all of us in the European Union and around the world to renew our efforts and commitment to Ukraine. Our actions today will determine the future of Europe and the democratic world.  

We pledge to stand by Ukraine, to support them in their time of need, and to work tirelessly towards a future where peace, democracy, and sovereignty are safeguarded for all. Let us be united in our support for Ukraine, for in their victory lies our shared security and democratic values. 


Ilhan Kyuchyuk MEP, ALDE Party Co-President, Movement for Rights and Freedoms, BG
Svenja Hahn MEP, ALDE Party Vice-President, FDP, DE
Malik Azmani MEP,  ALDE Party Vice-President, VVD, NL
Morten Løkkegaard MEP, Venstre, DK 
Hilde Vautmans MEP, OpenVLD, BE 
Karin Karlsbro MEP, Liberalna, SE 
Anna Donáth MEP, Momentum, HU 
Andrus Ansip MEP, Reform Party, EE 
Urmas Paet MEP, Reform Party, EE 
Petras Auštrevičius MEP, Liberal Movement, LT
Billy Kelleher MEP, Fianna Fáil, IE
Barry Andrews MEP, Fianna Fáil, IE
Emma Wiesner MEP, Centre Party, SE
Abir Al-Sahlani MEP, Centre Party, SE
Dr. Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, Lead Candidate FDP, DE
Sigrid Friis Frederiksen, Lead Candidate Radikale Venstre, DK 
João Cotrim de Figueiredo, Lead Candidate Initiativa Liberal, PT 
Dan Barna, Lead Candidate USR, RO  
Ivanna Volochiy, Lead Candidate Kustiba Par!, LV 
Eugenijus Gentvilas, Lead Candidate Liberal Movement, LT

*( Signatures will be collected as more lead candidates are announced) 

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