You have found the ALDE Party

Lie Detector

 Crowdsourcing the fight against misinformation 

How can you help? 

1) Use our lie detector tool below to report disinformation. If you see something suspicious on social media, flag it to us. We'll investigate and correct it. 

2) Share our fact-checked information to spread the truth, not lies. 

3) Check out examples of fake claims we've already uncovered.

 We need you and your friends to watch for disinformation about our candidates and parties across the EU and report it. This tool is key to ensuring safe European elections. 

Together, we can protect our democratic values and ensure elections are based on truth and transparency. Let's fight back against the trolls and keep it real!

What's the problem?

With the European elections approaching, extremist trolls and foreign agents are creating misinformation to undermine our values.

 We need your help to identify the lies that threaten our campaign. A well-informed electorate is vital for a healthy society. 

By exposing false narratives, we can maintain election integrity and ensure access to accurate information.

Lie Detector

Did you find some fake news in your community? Send it to us and we will put it under the lie detector! 
(scroll afterwards to see how to report it to the social media provider that's hosting it)


The Archives

Liberal rising the cost of beer?!
Progressive Slovakia leader Michal Šimečka’s voice can be heard in an audio recording mentioning plans of increasing the price of beer. The only catch? The audio is a deep fake.

Troll farms sowing disinformation
This May, Swedish news channel TV4 revealed a troll farm nestled in the far-right Sweden Democrats’s communications department.

Slovakian Progressive party targeted in serious misinformation
Social media post wrongly identifies Robert Fico’s attacker as a member of the Progressive Slovakia party.

How to report 

Click on the three dots in the top right corner of the post

Select "Find support or report post"

Follow the prompts to label it as false news or misinformation

Click on the three dots at the top of the tweet

Select "Report Tweet"

Select "It's misleading or false information", then specify further

Submit the report following the prompts

Click the three dots above the post

Select "Report", then "It's innappropriate"

Select "False information" to report the post 

Complete the report with any additional details

Click on the three dots beneath the video

Select "Report" 

Select the reason such as "Misleading or a scam"

Follow the instructions to complete the report 

Press and hold on the video or tap the share icon 

Select "Report"

Select the reason such as "Misleading or a scam"

Follow the instructions to complete the report