Emma Wiesner 
Born on November 11, 1992
Västerås, Sweden
Master of Science in Energy Systems, Uppsala University and Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Fun fact
Emma Wiesner began her political career at the age of 13, after seeing Al Gore's film An Inconvenient Truth and realizing that the environmental movement was her major political issue.
"I am an engineer who has had the chance to work in politics. I want to use my technical background to really change the future of the planet. In order for this to be possible, we need a growth-friendly climate policy, a competitive business sector, a thriving agriculture with faith in the future, active forestry, strengthened animal welfare and reduced antibiotic resistance - all of which I want to work for in the European Parliament."
The road so far..
Lead Candidate for the European Parliament
Sweden’s youngest member of the European Parliament
Member of the Green Liberal Centre Party and regional chairman for the Youth wing