Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann 

Short bio

Born on March 10, 1958
From Düsseldorf, Germany
Studied publishing, politics and German at the LMU in Munich. 

Fun fact

 She has been riding motorcycles since she was 15 years old and her Motorcycle’s name is Mausi


“Europe is humanity's greatest peace project. After centuries of violent conflict, creating a unified Europe was an incredible achievement. True, the European Union is not perfect; there is always room for improvement. I will keep fighting for a Europe that is democratic and free. Europe is our future, we have no other.”

The road so far..

Lead Candidate for the European Parliament


Chair of the Defence Committee of the German Bundestag


Member of the Bundestag


Deputy federal chairwoman of the FDP


Deputy Mayor of the North Rhine-Westphalian state capital Düsseldorf

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